A cover for my comic. FIENDISH #2.5.
A cover for my comic. FIENDISH #2.5.
A cover for my comic, FIENDISH #2. All art and colors by me.
A cover for my comic, FIENDISH #2. All art and colors by me.
Cover for my comic, FIENDISH #2. All art and colors by me.
Cover for my comic, FIENDISH #2. All art and colors by me.
My cover for an independently published comic. Art and colors by me.
My cover for an independently published comic. Art and colors by me.
My cover for the comic ZOMBIE SAMA. Colors not by me.
My cover for the comic ZOMBIE SAMA. Colors not by me.
My cover for the indie comic, Phenomenova. All art by me.
My cover for the indie comic, Phenomenova. All art by me.
My cover for the independent comic, ISOM #2.
My cover for the independent comic, ISOM #2.
My cover for the independent fantasy comic, Kor-Drath.
My cover for the independent fantasy comic, Kor-Drath.
My wraparound cover for the comic CARNAL THE BARBARIAN #1
My wraparound cover for the comic CARNAL THE BARBARIAN #1
The permanent cover for my comic, FIENDISH #1.
The permanent cover for my comic, FIENDISH #1.
A campaign cover for my comic, FIENDISH #2.5.
A campaign cover for my comic, FIENDISH #2.5.
My cover for the independent comic, INGLORIOUS REX.
My cover for the independent comic, INGLORIOUS REX.
My cover for the independent comic, INGLORIOUS REX. Colors not by me.
My cover for the independent comic, INGLORIOUS REX. Colors not by me.
My cover for the indie comic, KONI WAVES. Colors not by me.
My cover for the indie comic, KONI WAVES. Colors not by me.
My cover for the indie comic, THE EMBRACE #2.
My cover for the indie comic, THE EMBRACE #2.
My cover for a crossover with another comic, GOBLIN GIRL.
My cover for a crossover with another comic, GOBLIN GIRL.
My cover for the indie comic, CASH GRAB. Colors by Kyle Ritter.
My cover for the indie comic, CASH GRAB. Colors by Kyle Ritter.
My variant cover for the comic and game project LAST OF THE SEEKERS.
My variant cover for the comic and game project LAST OF THE SEEKERS.
My cover for the indie comic, FROG G. Colors by Billy Bacsko.
My cover for the indie comic, FROG G. Colors by Billy Bacsko.
A poster for the comic, TIME BEFORE TIME.
A poster for the comic, TIME BEFORE TIME.
My variant cover for the comic WINNEBAGO GRAVEYARD.
My variant cover for the comic WINNEBAGO GRAVEYARD.
A double spread for the crowdfunded artbook, VISIONS 2.
A double spread for the crowdfunded artbook, VISIONS 2.
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